Getting Started Permission Form
20 May 2019 | Theme: Getting Started | 2-Minute Read | Listen
I titled this website “Do You Mind” in part because we, as women, all too often ask others whether they mind if we do the things we want or need to do. We so often say things like, “Do you mind if I make a suggestion?” We apologize, minimize, and ask for permission to get our basic needs met and have our voices heard.
The thing is, you don’t need anyone else’s permission or approval! The only person whose opinion matters is your own. The thoughts and opinions of others may be good information to have, but ultimately, it’s your own permission that is needed.*
Do you give yourself the permission you crave to do the amazing things you long to do?
If you are breathing, you have inside you vast amounts of untapped potential. You’ve had amazing ideas and inspirations, but maybe you haven’t acted on them before because you were waiting for some sort of go-ahead. Well, guess what? This is it! This is your green light. Stop idling there waiting for the Universe to ask you to rev up the engine and hit the accelerator. It’s time. The world needs exactly what you have to offer; it’s begging for it right now.
Still feel as if you need “permission” to get started? Subscribers and members can download our PDF form whereby you grant yourself permission to start your project. Fill it in, sign it and date it, as a way to remind yourself to go for it. There are two forms to a page so you can share one with a friend to remind her to get going. While you’re at it, invite her to this community!
To get a link to the PDF, you can subscribe or become a member on our Community Engagement page.
Until next time,
*I think I’m sort of legally bound to say that I’m not encouraging activity that is harmful to self or others.
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Now I’ve Started–How Do I Keep Going?
27 May 2019 | Theme: Getting Started | 7-Minute Read
A couple of years ago, I wanted to start being more mindful about eating better. I thought about making a bracelet of some sort to remind me that the choices I’m making right now matter. It’s so easy to theorize about starting. . .