Do You Mind


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I have felt as if I've been living in Limbo-Land. Everything has seemed so topsy-turvy, and like many of you, I have found it challenging to get things done with so much uncertainty all around.

Even so, since last March I've bought an adorable new house, moved, worked to get the old house on the market, and now have a contract with an excited new buyer! But it has been like swimming through molasses--everything has taken me far longer than it would have pre-pandemic, and I have to keep reminding myself that it's OK to work at the pace I can manage.

I plan to begin adding to again soon, coming back with the theme of "Starting Over." I want to share my journey over the past few months, including getting real about what it's like to find myself in a complete creative slump, and then slowly coming out of that slump to give myself a fresh start.


A CONVERSATION WITH... GAYLE KOGER: Today, we turn the tables a bit! Usually, I invite guests to have conversations about their areas of expertise, but today’s podcast is a chat with my long-time friend Gayle Koger in which I share my experiences of Letting Go. . .

WHAT IS is about, well, life. It’s about the struggles and the joys we find every single day, regardless of our location, beliefs, or skin tone. Even as news headlines try to convince us otherwise, there is far more that unites us than divides us, as we see when we talk with one another about things like time, creativity, and voice. CLICK PHOTO TO READ MORE

Welcome! I’m Stacey Leigh, originator of, and I’m glad you’re here! 

I love to create, and I do so through various outlets—photography, writing, bracelet-making, sewing, and more. I love talking with people about the things that excite them. I love listening to TED talks and podcasts by those, especially women, who make a difference. I am passionate about connecting with others. I love being in nature and am passionate about living as sustainably as possible. And I am passionate about learning—about myself, about others, and about ideas.

The project has evolved from my life’s experiences and learning, and it involves all my passions. I am incredibly grateful to the teachers I’ve had along the way—especially the circles of women who have gently guided me, patiently waited for me to understand, and tenderly held my truths. This project is my continuation of that work, and it is intended to be an inclusive, expanding circle.

I am thrilled to bring into being!