Do You Mind

A Conversation With…

Anna Veronesi

September 29 Photo for Site

29 September 2019  |  Theme: Quiet  |  1-Minute Read  |  Listen

My guest for the theme of “Quiet” is Anna Veronesi.

Anna has been a healing arts practitioner for over 20 years and is an acupuncturist, massage, cranial sacral, and biomagnetic pair therapist.

As a mother of two, she is a single mom who is a founding member of Tulsa Shambhala Meditation Group and currently serves as Director of the Tulsa Shambhala Meditation Center, which opened in December 2018.

Anna has been involved with the Shambhala meditation path for 13 years. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our conversation. I’m pleased to welcome her to talk with me about quieting the mind through the practice of meditation.

Get your DoYouMind coffee mug ready and join us for conversation and a cup of tea!

Until next time,

Stacey Name Logo

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3 October 2019  |  Theme: Enoughness  |  3-Minute Read

This month we’re going to grapple with Enoughness. When I first uttered the words “I am enough,” it came from facing down my deepest, scariest insecurities, so I thought that I had created that phrase. That I was somehow unique in my secret feelings of Not-Enoughness. That I had stumbled upon a Truth that I needed to share with the world. Timidly at first, I began to . . .