Do You Mind

A Conversation With…

Heather Vickery

November 28 Photo for Site

28 November 2019   |   Theme: Gratitude   |   2-Minute Read   |   Listen

Heather Vickery wrote the book—two books, in fact—on Gratitude, so I was honored to have a conversation with her about November’s theme of Gratitude.

Heather is an award-winning entrepreneur, business owner, and success coach. But Heather isn’t just a savvy businesswoman. She’s an inspiration.

 After a major life transformation and divorce, her world was turned upside down. Suddenly the mother of four had the freedom to be her most authentic self, which empowered her with the confidence she needed to repair, rebuild, and relearn who she was. Today, Heather leverages her entrepreneurial skills and expertise to coach individuals towards greater personal and professional fulfillment through Vickery and Co., her transformational coaching practice. A celebrated public speaker, Heather inspires audiences and empowers attendees with the tools they need to live bold and meaningful lives through her story of personal bravery, perseverance, and resilience. Heather’s approach helps clients leverage fear and turn it into intentional bravery!

Heather is the author of Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus and her second book on Gratitude, Grow Grateful: A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families will be available on December 3rd. She’s also the executive producer and host of The Brave Files Podcast. A strong believer in strengthening her community, Heather is active in many charitable organizations. She is obsessed with Musial Theater and loves to travel.  

To order her newest book on December 3, Grow Grateful, A Gratitude Journal for Kids and Families, just click on the link. You can also check out Heather’s Gratitude and Mindset Facebook Group and her professional group Intentionally Brave Entrepreneurs. Her podcast—The Brave Files—is wonderful! On it, she shares stories from ordinary people who have demonstrated extraordinary bravery. To learn more about Heather’s books, podcasts, and coaching, visit

Until next time,

Stacey Name Logo

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Dec 1 Photo for Site


1 December 2019  |  Theme: Generosity  |  2-Minute Read

What does it mean to be generous? Is Generosity the same as Giving? Is it possible to be too generous? What’s the distinction between one-handed giving and open-handed giving? Does giving to others always feel good? Is it beneficial? Is it OK to place limits on our generosity? In December, we’ll be . . .