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Get Started Coloring!

May 4 Photo for Site

4 May 2019  |  Theme: Getting Started  |  2-Minute Read |  Listen

I love adult coloring books and pages! If you’ve been to a bookstore, hobby shop, or grocery store in the last several years, you’ve seen them everywhere. Perhaps you’ve taken it up as a hobby; then again, maybe you’re bewildered by why it’s a “thing.”

While coloring for adults dates back to psychologist Carl Jung, the first commercially successful adult coloring books were published around 2012. It seems that folks everywhere are enjoying the relaxation and de-stressing that filling in shapes with colored pencils can bring.

Lots of claims are made about the benefits of coloring: it helps with stress and anxiety, helps us stay focused, keeps us in the moment, and more. A recent Huffpost article touted the positive effects of this simple and enjoyable activity. While it’s important to note that coloring on your own isn’t the same as art therapy, coloring can be a powerful tool for practicing mindfulness.

Each month, will offer a coloring page based on the monthly theme. Designed by the amazingly talented Karen Hendren, these sheets will be offered to our subscribers and members for download each month. This first one, “Get Started,” is available to everyone here.

Not a member or subscriber yet? Pop over to our Community Engagement page to learn more about the benefits of our free subscriptions and paid memberships.

To read more about the adult coloring craze, visit this article at CNN or this one at Colorit.

Until next time,

Stacey Name Logo

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6 May 2019  |  Theme: Getting Started  |  6-Minute Read

I headed to my local bookstore to search for a book about getting started. Not one of the jillions of books about starting specific things, but one about getting started, in general, with whatever it is you’re trying to start. . .