Tales of Generosity
31 December 2019 | Theme: Generosity | 9-Minute Read | Listen
For this, the last article of our month of Generosity—the last article of the year and of the decade—I asked my readers to share their stories of Generosity. When, I asked them, have you experienced Generosity? What did the other person do and how did you feel?
Their stories were heart-warming. They showed acts of kindness small and large, and as I read them, I felt a renewed sense of the goodness of people. I hope reading today will cause you to pause and think of your own stories of compassion and Generosity and of the goodness in your own life. Thank you to all who submitted their stories!
Some readers thought of those who helped them in their formative years:
“I experienced the generous spirit of my 6th grade Language Arts teacher during my parent’s divorce. We kept journals in that class, and she always wrote back on my entries with insight, encouragement and empathy. She helped get me through a really sad, lonely, and difficult time. I saw her this last year and it was a wonderful visit.”
Indeed, teachers can make a tremendous impact in a child’s life. Sometimes, though, it’s the child who impacts the teacher:
“My friend, who is a reading teacher, was given a gift certificate to select a pair of earrings made by her colleague. She carefully considered two pair, trying to choose between them. She finally made her selection and put the other pair back. The next day, one of her students, a young girl who had seen her admiring both pairs, brought money from her own piggy bank and surprised her reading teacher with the second pair.”
As parents, we enjoy the generosity extended to our children:
“When my boys were around 7 and 10, their friend’s grandmother gave us an amazing gift. She had planned on taking her grandson to Legoland in San Diego. She figured that he would have more fun with friends. So she paid for my boys to go along. She paid for the plane ride and the hotel and everything. She also took on the job of taking care of them. Our family will never forget that act of generosity.”
Our families, as well as the friends and mentors we gather throughout our lifetimes, are truly a source of generosity:
“I was having a particularly rough day recently and someone made time and space to just let me cry and talk. I felt the weight lift in a profound way. And at the same time a friend sent me a very generous gift certificate for a massage. These two things, along with other gestures, have made me feel lifted up by my community. I’m grateful to be surrounded by such kind, generous, loving people.”
“It was my 60th birthday and I was on my first visit to NYC and Broadway shows. We were having an after-dinner drink when my beloved boy cousin from LA walked up to our table. One of my friends had arranged the best birthday gift/surprise ever! I’ll never forget it. It was totally my friend’s doing…arranging that surprise.”
“My best friend is the most generous person I know. I’ve known her more than 40 years and she has done many things to help me and make my life better by being generous with her time and resources. One thing that had lasting consequences is that she asked her excellent financial manager (whom I couldn’t afford and who wasn’t taking new clients) to recommend how to invest my small inheritance from my parents so that I could have a better retirement. He did an excellent job for me, which has made a difference in my life.”
“I’ve had a mentor who appeared in my life when I was at my lowest point. He offered me a practice and a group that ushered me into the larger journey of transformation. He gifted me several retreats with spiritual teachers that enhanced that journey. A true angel in my life.”
“My mom has always been generous to me in her kindness and support throughout my life and in all my pursuits and goals. She extends that to my children as well. She and my dad helped make it possible for my daughters to fully pursue their educational goals. This holiday season is the first without my dad and so my mom flew all the grandchildren home for the holidays. They came from as far as New York and China! And it means so much to us all to be together as a family and have wonderful ‘cousin time’ together. During one sleepover, all the cousins spontaneously spent an hour reminiscing about their grandfather. That meant so much to my mom and all of us. A true gift!”
“I had just lost my job and was faced with the decision of whether to find another job where I had lived the last 26 years or move closer to family and friends. I chose the latter.
I did not have a place to start over and had been in contact with a friend I had grown up with since 9th grade. I gained employment quickly when I got there, moved in with my friend and life was going as planned. I was going to contribute funds to my friend for staying with her. However, due to a strange turn of events, I lost my job. I had no money, no job or prospect of a job. My kind friend was more than gracious by not expecting anything for my stay. She welcomed me with open arms, no guilt, and supported my sadness and feelings of failure. She was just there for me. How many people take time out of their busy life by just being present with you when there is no hope? No joy? I was given acceptance, encouragement and even bravery to keep trying. I finally got another job. Life is going back to normal. I hope to pay it forward as my friend did for me!”
The time when we most see people shine their light of Generosity, often, is in our darkest hours:
“The year my husband had his heart surgery, I blew through all of my personal and vacation days pretty quickly. My boss donated 2 of his vacation days to me so that I could spend more time around Christmas with my then five year old. It was a crappy year and I was sad and resentful toward the universe. But this act of generosity was a nod of hope from the universe that pulled me out of my negativity and set me on a better path for the next year.”
“In the years since my father died, I have received an annual card from my minister on the anniversary of his death. It means so much to me that my feelings of grief are acknowledged.”
“I received an outpouring of love and support in a myriad of ways at the time of my dad’s death … acknowledgements from people from all stages of my life — childhood to high school to young adult to current day. My cousin looked through the family archives and selected a few photos of my dad when he was just a boy living on the family farm. She had multiple copies of each photo made for my four brothers and sisters and me so we each could take a set home with us. My heart was filled beyond measurement with people’s presence and outreach to my family to offer condolences and honor Dad’s life.”
“I have amazing friends who generously gave their time to stay with me at the hospital during the last week of my mother’s life. In the early part of the week, my mom was alert and aware of everyone who came to see her. She greeted each visitor and reminisced about the joy they had brought her. As Mom began to slip more and more from consciousness, my friends were there, talking, singing, and praying with me. As I witnesses my mother’s transition out of this life, her grace and the love of friends made it beautiful.”
“I had started a new sales job and had not met my quota, since I was prospecting for new accounts and clients. My base salary did not cover my living expenses. During this time my husband died suddenly, and my son was about to start college. It was a rough time both financially and emotionally for me. I was called into my manager’s office after my husband’s service. All of the other sales reps had donated a part of their monthly commission to me. Because of their generosity, I received one of the largest commission checks of the year. Most of these people didn’t even know me since I was new to the team! It was a pure outpouring of love and compassion that I will never forget.”
May you, Dear Reader, continue to express and receive Generosity through all your days. Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Until next time,
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New Year, New You?
2 January 2020 | Theme: Body | 4-Minute Read
Welcome to a brand new decade! If you’re like the majority of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, your top resolution probably has to do with your appearance. You may have resolved to “get fit” or “lose weight.” It’s understandable that the majority of women have issues when it comes to their appearance. We’re bombarded almost from birth with messages . . .