Do You Mind

A Conversation With…

Karen Scism

Feb 29 Photo for Site

29 February 2020  |  Theme: Joy  |  2-Minute Read  |  Listen

My guest for this Leap Day podcast episode is Karen Scism. To listen to Karen’s story, you might well think of Job more than you think of Joy. She has survived breast cancer, endometrial cancer, a near-fatal infection, and a severe auto accident. Her husband is on disability due to a back injury, and they have been displaced from their home by flooding that happened nine months ago.

Yet through all this, Karen maintains a joyful energy that radiates so that even total strangers approach her and comment on her joyful spirit. Karen says that her faith is what sustains her—she finds her joy on her knees, looking up.

In this episode, she shares her very personal journey with cancer and illness, but it is a story filled with hope, butterflies, and, yes, joy.

Karen’s motto is “attitude is everything and everything is attitude.”

I am pleased to welcome Karen Scism to the podcast.

Karen’s Links:

Article about Karen and her sister Gayle:

Information about custom breast forms:

Pink cowboy hats:

Until next time,

Stacey Name Logo

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Letting Go

4 March 2020  |  Theme: Letting Go  |  4-Minute Read 

Have you ever had that dream where you suddenly discover that you’re enrolled in a college class that you thought you’d dropped, so you haven’t gone all semester, and now you have to face a final in a subject about which you know absolutely nothing? Life can feel like that, too. Lately, I’ve told a . . .